Grimm Krupa Appointed to Serve on Five House Committees

Jan. 17, 2025 /

HARRISBURG – Rep. Charity Grimm Krupa (R-Fayette) has been appointed to serve on five House committees. She will serve on the House Appropriations, Government Oversight, Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Health and Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness committees.

Grimm Krupa, Warner: $85,000 Awarded to Fayette County CTI

Jan. 14, 2025 /

MCCLELLANDTOWN – Reps. Charity Grimm Krupa (R-Fayette) and Ryan Warner (R-Fayette) announced the Pennsylvania Department of Education has awarded an $85,000 grant to the Fayette County Career and Technical Institute (CTI). The funding is for updating or purchasing equipment used in approved career and technical education programs.

Grimm Krupa, Warner to Host Second Annual Farmers’ Appreciation Breakfast

May. 01, 2024 /

DUNBAR – Reps. Charity Grimm Krupa (R-Fayette) and Ryan Warner (R-Fayette) are hosting another breakfast for area farmers, those with agriculture-related businesses and the public to show Fayette County’s appreciation for all the hard work they do to help put food on people’s tables.

Grimm Krupa to Host Shredding Event April 26

Apr. 19, 2024 /

UNIONTOWN – Rep. Charity Grimm Krupa (R-Fayette) would like to remind everyone that she will be holding a free Shredding Event on Friday, April 26, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. She is partnering with Fayette County Recycling, which has offered its facility at 105 Romeo Lane in Uniontown to host the event.

Grimm Krupa Introduces Resolution Banning House Members with Active Arrest Warrants from Remote Voting

Apr. 17, 2024 /

HARRISBURG – Rep. Charity Grimm Krupa (R-Fayette) said Wednesday she is circulating a co-sponsorship memo for legislation that would amend the House General Operating Rules to prohibit a House member from voting remotely if he or she is incarcerated or if there is an active warrant for their arrest. This comes after House Democrats pushed through a party-line vote allowing Rep. Kevin Boyle (D-Philadelphia) to vote by designation because he has filed a form, even though there is a warrant out for his arrest.